
arena怎么读: 音标[ә'ri:nә]
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◎ arena是什么意思

n. 角斗场, 舞台, 场地
[医] 尿沉渣, 尿沙; 脑沙

n. the central area of an ancient Roman amphitheater where contests and spectacles were held; especially an area that was strewn with sand
n. a playing field where sports events take place


1. But there's one arena in which they're both important, and that arena is when things are both very *all and the force of gravity is very large.

但在一个地方 两者都非常重要 在那里的物体非常小 而引力作用非常大

2. My town, in Indiana, had the third largest high school arena yes, arena in the country.

我的家乡印第安纳州 有全国第三大的高中室内运动场 没错 室内运动场

3. They're leaving the arena. It's over.

他们要离开球场了 完蛋了

4. I'd forgotten how invigorating the arena could be.


5. It's a whole other thing being in the arena.


6. If this were an arena, then we'd see who would run.

这里要是摔跤场 就知道谁会逃跑了

7. Only the guilty should fight in the arena.


8. The only rule in this arena is, be the last.

这个角斗场上唯一的规则就是 活到最后

9. If she's still here by then, she fights in the arena.

如果到时候她还待在这 她就要上角斗场

10. It is the only way to survive in the arena.

