
economy怎么读: 音标[i'kɒnәmi]
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◎ economy是什么意思

n. 经济, 理财, 节约
[医] 经济, 整体

n. the system of production and distribution and consumption
n. the efficient use of resources
n. frugality in the expenditure of money or resources
n. an act of economizing; reduction in cost


1. We come to this restaurant a minimum of three times a week good times, bad times, economy up, economy down, and we always get a booth.

我们一周最少来这里三次 开心难过 有钱没钱 我们总是有卡座

2. So there is a transfer from the nonfinancial part of the economy to the financial part of the economy that actually is unprecedented as far as we can see in any of the available data to us and I'm talking about all of the recorded human history.

所以就出现了非金融行业的财富 向金融业转移的现象 从我们可获得的数据来看 我是说从人类有史以来 这样的财富转移都是前所未有的

3. We are the backbone of this country's economy.


4. It is great for the economy of this city.


5. We didn't run your economy into the ground.


6. The economy's in the gutter, and they pay for you.

经济形势太差 他们愿意为你花钱

7. you know, we call it economy in here.

你懂的 在监狱里我们称之为经济

8. The economy runs on confidence, I'm told.

某人告诉我说 经济的基础是信心

9. The only thing we have to rebuild his stature is the economy.

我们唯一可以重塑他形象的 就是经济了

10. Bring me up to speed with great economy.

简单给我介绍下 最新进展
