
whop怎么读: 音标[hwɒp]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ whop是什么意思

v. 打, 抽出, 打败, 征服
n. 重击, 打击声

v hit hard
v hit hard


1. He has a whopping 6 friends, all from work.

朋友超多 共有六个 都是同事

2. Ooh, it took everything inside of me not to whop her ass.


3. Remember, this country is a whopping 5,500 miles wide.

别忘了 这个国家有约九千千米宽

4. See, that's why I box, so I can molly whop *s like him.

所以我才打拳击 就是为了收拾这种败类

5. Excavating a whopping 140 billion tons of crude a year.


6. But the way I see it, you're suffering from a whopping case of imposter syndrome.

但是在我看來 你有明顯的負擔癥候群的癥狀

7. We've documented more than 50 mammal species and a whopping 22 of them are carnivore species.

我们已经记录了五十多种哺乳动物 其中竟然有二十二种是食肉动物

8. With all these layers and associated lifesupport systems, the suit weighs in at a whopping 127kgs.

有了这些分层还有关的生命维持系统 太空服可重达127公斤

9. And the 060 time goes down by a whopping two tenths of a second, from 3.1 to 2.9.

096km/h加速时间 则令人惊掉下巴的减少了0.2秒 从3.1秒变成了2.9秒

10. So far, a whopping 250,000 of you have done our intelligence test and, tonight, some of you will be battling it out here, in the studio.

迄今为止已有二十五万人完成了智力测试 今晚 你们中的一些人 会在演播室里 比拼智力
