
electoral怎么读: 音标[i'lektәrәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ electoral是什么意思

a. 选举人的, 选举的, (有关)选举的
[法] 选举的, 选举人的, 由选举人组成的

a. of or relating to elections
s. relating to or composed of electors


1. The electors. It's been taken care of.

那些選舉人的選票 他們拿到了

2. So he embedded a virus into the electoral system.


3. We're looking at an electorate that's older and more conservative.

这次的选民比以往年龄更大 更保守

4. Intimidating the electorate was not a part of the deal.

我们当初可没说好 你可以恐吓选民

5. 12% of the electorate strongly opposes me.


6. There's nothing that's more important in a democracy than a wellinformed electorate.

在一个*国家 没有什么能比 选民的知情权更重要的事了

7. Watch her spin this shit into electoral gold.


8. Public safety is a winning electoral argument.


9. I have some other people with more experience who better balance the ticket electorally.

我有其他一些经验更加丰富的人选 能在选举中为我平衡票数

10. With 442 electoral votes, far more than he needs to win.

收获442张选票 远远超出赢得选举所需的总票数
