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◎ lina是什么意思

n. 莉娜(女子名)


1. Lina did not say this, because it isn't true.

莉娜不会这么说 因为事实不是这样的

2. Lina gave them to me after she left the hotel.


3. I'll pull lina out, shut the whole place down.

我会救莉娜出来 我会把那个地方整个端了

4. Lina still had hers, but she wouldn't give us the password.

莉娜的还在 但她不肯说密码

5. Lina usually posts a lot, but she hasn't been recently.

莉娜通常会发很多状态 不过最近少了

6. Lina's in the kitchen, she'll show you where you can wash up.

厨房的琳娜 会告诉你们 哪里可以清洁一下自己

7. Lina is going out tonight and I told her I'd cover.

莉娜今晚要出门 我告诉她我来带孩子

8. Lina's not for sale in any capacity, not now, not ever.

莉娜在任何情况下都不能被买走 现在不能 以后也不能

9. Lina saw you with someone, and I checked the receipts.

琳娜看到你跟别人在一起 我就查了一下收据

10. Lina has confirmed that the wedding dress is in transit.

琳娜确认 礼服在运输途中
