
theoretic怎么读: 音标[.θi:ә'retik]
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◎ theoretic是什么意思

a. 理论上的, 好理论的

a concerned primarily with theories or hypotheses rather than practical considerations


1. Like, dinosaurs turned into birds "theoretically," or theory of relativity "theoretically?".

就像,恐龙理论上也可以变成鸟??? 或者就像相对论,所谓的理论上.

2. Big theoretical math test tomorrow that I will theoretically fail if I don't hit the books.

明天要考理论数学 如果我不复习 理论上就要挂科

3. Theoretically, there should have been some connection.


4. Theoretically, but you'd have to be precise.

理论上行 但你得十分精确

5. That could theoretically have something to do with it.

从理论上来说 可能和事故有关系

6. She's a neurobiologist, and I'm a theoretical physicist.

她是神经生物学家 我是理论物理学家

7. Any change for you is purely theoretical.


8. But theoretically, his death could be about anything.

但从理论上讲 他的死可能出于任何原因

9. You are a theoretical magician, I imagine.


10. You're at an age where none of this is theoretical.

