
gape怎么读: 音标[geip]
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◎ gape是什么意思

n. 裂口, 张嘴, 打哈欠
vi. 裂开, 张嘴, 打哈欠

n. an expression of openmouthed astonishment
n. a stare of amazement (usually with the mouth open)
v. be wide open


1. You won't be left with a gaping hole.


2. I added all these flaps to the pockets, so they don't gape.

我给口袋加了盖儿 这样袋口就不会敞开了

3. Green and gray, the gaping maw of the ocean.

绿和灰 张开血盆大口的海洋

4. Hold your tongue, or I'll tear it from your gaping mouth.

管好你的舌头 否则我给你扯掉

5. I meant, I wouldn't want a gaping hole in my head.


6. It's basically a zip tie for a gaping wound.


7. No, you've got a gaping gash, and you've got vinegary balls.

不 你有一深逼 而你有一对酸爽的蛋蛋

8. Easy, I just walked through the gaping holes that the hackers did.

简单 我跟着黑客从同一个漏洞进去的

9. That gaping hole showed how alive this sinkhole still is.


10. without massive gaping intakes behind the doors.

