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◎ contentiousness是什么意思

n. contentious的变形

n an inclination to be quarrelsome and contentious


1. Sorry. I didn't come here to be contentious.

不好意思 我不是过来吵架的

2. As I recall, it was a mean and contentious divorce.

我记得 离婚过程搞得很僵

3. The landclaim issues are just as contentious.


4. Yes, but it wasn't contentious, not as those things go.

是的 但我们之间不像别的*存在矛盾

5. I admit I was being contentious, but I knew to distance myself.

我承认我受到了争议 但我知道要让自己远离这一切

6. Clearly, you're raising some contentious issues here.

显然 你提出了一些有争议的问题

7. And, after all, the contentious part of the action is postbus.

毕竟 争端画面在大巴之后

8. I mean, they're not set up to be contentious like lawyers can be.


9. Well, it's turning into a contentious custody battle, unfortunately.

不幸的是 这已经变成了争监护权大战了

10. I just wanted to know how contentious we're willing to let this get.

我就想知道我们在这件事上 要有多强的争论意识
