
scarcity怎么读: 音标['skɑ:siti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ scarcity是什么意思

n. 缺乏, 不足, 缺少
[经] 缺乏, 不足

n. a small and inadequate amount


1. Well, their value's their scarcity, so it's not what we say.

它们的价值恰恰在于稀少 所以那不是我们的说辞

2. This is a highly prized gem due to its scarcity.


3. This week we've heard again how scarcity of food does take its toll.

本周我们又听闻 食物短缺造成了何种恶果

4. I wasn't telling you that there's no opportunity so that the scarcity would get you to implore me for a way in.

我不是要告诉你这不可能 囤货居奇 好让你求着要加入

5. And this scarcity of crew is almost certainly the reason why, within four days, the ship ran aground.

而缺乏人手 也就自然而然地 成为了该船在四天内 搁浅的原因

6. He may need an organ for himself or a loved one, but because of the scarcity of available organs, he could be taking matters into his own hands.

可能是他自己或者重要的人需要* 但由于器官十分稀缺 他就靠自己来解决这个问题

7. It's only our retrograde western society that teaches us to believe the logic of love as scarcity, as a commodity that's to be stored up and hoarded.

只有我们落后的西方社会 教导我们要坚信爱是稀缺的 像是个需要被累积和收藏的商品
