
troubleshooter怎么读: 音标['trʌb(ә)lʃu:tә(r)]
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◎ troubleshooter是什么意思

n. 故障检修工, 解决麻烦的能手
[法] 解决纠纷者, 调解人, 解决麻烦问题的能手

n. a worker whose job is to locate and fix sources of trouble (especially in mechanical devices)


1. No. I stepped away to do some troubleshooting.

没有 我走开去排查故障了

2. I have to pull an early morning shift to troubleshoot.


3. Well, I thought if we had to do any lastminute troubleshooting, all the brains should be in one place.

我觉得如果有什么临时问题需要解决 该把智囊聚集在一起

4. On his fifth birthday, I got him a hamster, but I forgot to troubleshoot the neighbors' cat.

他五岁生日时 我给他买了一只仓鼠 但是我忘了邻居家有一只猫

5. Soon it'll be hardware and handshake deals, endless troubleshooting and upgrades.

很快这里就会堆满了硬件 签许多协议 没完没了的除错和升级

6. Great, so, uh, let me walk you through the troubleshooting and, uh, data reboot process.

好的 我来给你讲一下 故障排除和数据重启的流程

7. Yeah, if you're gonna switch over to a more conventional setup, maybe it'd be best if I stuck around for a few days to help troubleshoot with you.

如果你要改成更传统的布局 那我最好还是再留几天 帮你检查故障吧

8. And I'm going to troubleshoot the ignition source here in the shop before we head out into the field and we put all our eggs in one basket or one shack.

所以我要在进行孤注一掷的野外实验前 先在工作间 排除火源故障

9. Ederlezi corporation guidelines demand troubleshoot health check if the pilot stops complying with the protocols of ederlezi corporation.

当飞行员未遵循艾德莱兹集团规章时 艾德莱兹集团准则要求 对其进行故障排查体检
