
astronomer怎么读: 音标[ә'strɒnәmә]
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◎ astronomer是什么意思

n. 天文学家

n. a physicist who studies astronomy


1. Passionate about it, you should be an astronomer.

对它充满热情的你 应该成为天文学家

2. If you're not an astronomer, you shouldn't have a telescope.

如果你不是天文学家 就不该有望远镜

3. Er, because, um, this is what it is about to be an astronomer.


4. Especially when you get all astronomical with it.


5. Thought you were a chemist, not an astronomer.

我还以为你是个化学家 不是天文学家

6. Well, to begin with, I've found you an astronomer.

首先 我给你找到了一位天文学家

7. It's very exciting to be an astronomer right now.


8. I wanted to be an astronomer since I was 7.


9. It's not a sign, it's a predictable astronomical event.

不是什么旨意 而是可预测的天文现象

10. or the poet or the astronomer that possibly inhabited you.

亦或是诗人或天文学家 的方法
