
Sabrina怎么读: 音标[sә'bri:nә]
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◎ Sabrina是什么意思

n. 塞布丽娜(f.)


1. Sabrina is not who she portrays herself to be.


2. Sabrina, there's been an accident down at the mines.

萨布丽娜 矿井里面出事了

3. Sabrina, you have to be clever, you have to trap her.

萨布丽娜 你要开动脑筋 抓住她

4. Sabrina, that is exactly what I am saying.

萨布丽娜 这正是我要说的

5. Sabrina had me doing all sorts of crazy stuff.


6. Sabrina, that's no way to speak to your mother.

萨布丽娜 你不能这样跟妈妈说话

7. Sabrina, I hate that I wasn't with you, in the church when it all went down.

萨布丽娜 很抱歉教堂发生了那样的事 我却没陪着你

8. Sabrina and I responded to a different kind of stimulation.


9. Sabrina just moved here, and she's trying to fit in.

塞布丽娜刚搬来 她想融入

10. Sabrina, I forgot all about your great sense of humor.

塞布丽娜 我忘了 你有多幽默
