
amputation怎么读: 音标[.æmpju'teiʃәn]
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◎ amputation是什么意思

n. 切断, 截肢术
[医] 切断术

n. a condition of disability resulting from the loss of one or more limbs
n. a surgical removal of all or part of a limb


1. But when your options are amputation or death, amputation is good news.

但在截肢和死亡之间选择的话 截肢不是更好吗

2. And and, no, I don't mean this as in your amputation.


3. No. In most cases, further amputation would be necessary.

没有 大多数情况下 会需要多截一点

4. I'm afraid that the only way to do that is to amputate.

恐怕我们唯一的办法 就是截肢

5. A middle ground between what we did and amputation.


6. They were, I guess you'd say... amputated.

它们被人... 切除了

7. I'd say the amputation was made antemortem.


8. And if she gets to be president, you've amputated your own revolution.

如果她当上总统 你就自己斩断了自己的改革

9. They just amputated the essential part of who I was.


10. that could amputate a fat guy's femur.

