
rampart怎么读: 音标['ræmpɑ:t]
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◎ rampart是什么意思

n. 垒, 壁垒, 防御土墙
vt. 用壁垒围绕, 防卫, 守卫

n. an embankment built around a space for defensive purposes


1. She broke her leg jumping from the ramparts.


2. It was a defensive system, that consisted of a ditch, and then a rampart.

这是一套防御系统 它由一条沟和一个堡垒构成

3. Rampart division found it in a residential neighborhood.


4. There is a tunnel under the northern ramparts that brings us a few paces from the entrance to the dungeons.

通过城堡北墙下的隧道 这样能使我们离地牢入口更近

5. I did not recognize him then but I saw him again on the ramparts, disguised the very day your father, the king, was stung.

我当时没认出来 但我在城墙上又看到了他 乔装打扮 就在你父亲 国王 被害的那天

6. While the ramparts seem mighty enough, moats added to the fortified city's defenses.

城墙原本就足够强大 护城河更是加强了古城的防御能力
