
godsend怎么读: 音标['^ɔdsend]
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◎ godsend是什么意思

n. 意外的幸运机会, 意外地来得正好的事物, 天赐

n a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money)


1. And that's why this dialysis machine is a godsend.


2. You're gonna be a godsend to this family.

对这个家庭来说 你就像天赐的礼物一样

3. She said he was a godsend after our dad died.


4. This new thermal cycler is a godsend.


5. Looking back, it's a godsend, of course.

现在看来 这当然是天赐良机

6. Betty, your help over the summer was a godsend.

贝蒂 这个夏天你的帮助真是有如天赐

7. Maybe it's a godsend, gives you time to think.


8. Shared custody is a godsend. It's a free babysitter.

共有监护权简直是天赐良机 就是免费保姆

9. I've only sneezed just a little bit, which is an absolute godsend.

用药之后仅仅打过很少的几次 这真是个意外的惊喜

10. The bird's eye chili, and this is the godsend, this is the saving grace.

鸟眼辣椒 而这是天赐之物 救赎的恩典
