
dino怎么读: 音标['di:nәu]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ dino是什么意思

n. 意大利人, 流浪汉


1. But someone is not deterred by dino slime.


2. Dino, I've found the answer to all our problems.

小龙 我找到所有问题的答案了

3. Dino, my leg doesn't reach the pedal.

小龙 我的腿没踩到踏板

4. But it turns out making a dino can be quite tricky.


5. Dino, you're gonna have to act better than that if you want your plan to work.

小龙 你必须采取更好的行动 来让你的计划奏效

6. Dino, the best part of doing general services is that I get to hang out with my bro.

小龙 我喜欢万能服务 就是因为可以和我兄弟一起玩

7. Dino fell off a massive cliff and was saved by someone who, according to the past 20 minutes of his story, had a very nice home.

小龙掉下了悬崖 被人救了 据他刚才20分钟说的 那人有个好看的家
