
trolley怎么读: 音标['trɒli]
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◎ trolley是什么意思

n. 电车, 手推车, 台车
vt. 用手推车运
vi. 乘电车

n a wheeled vehicle that runs on rails and is propelled by electricity


1. They was taking the trolleys. I couldn't.

他们在收回手推车 我不能

2. I'm staying, so you don't get run over by a trolley.

我留下吧 这样你就不会被手推车碾了

3. And then I was going to call you but then the trolley ran over my phone.

我本来打算给你打电话 但是电车压坏了我的电话

4. and you were supposed to take the trolley that day with her to the beach.

当天您本该和她一起乘电车 去海边的

5. When you talk to people, darling, they think you're off your trolley.

亲爱的 你跟人说话 他们都以为你在说胡话

6. Then let's see if we can't get this trolley back on track.


7. Then I cruise in, riding a room service trolley.


8. Sideswiping the trolley, running up toward 5th.

撞到了推车 往第五街开去

9. You could get, like, a shopping trolley and keep all your things in it.

因为你会推着一辆超市购物车 把你的家当全装在里面

10. Got a couple of lorry batteries, and we'll electrocute the trolley.

我们拿了卡车电池 把手推车通上电
