
pacemaker怎么读: 音标['peis.meikә]
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◎ pacemaker是什么意思

n. 带步人, 标兵, 起搏器
[医] 起搏点, 起搏器

n. a specialized bit of heart tissue that controls the heartbeat
n. an implanted electronic device that takes over the function of the natural cardiac pacemaker


1. Turns out our victim's pacemaker was implanted just over a year ago, which is good, because modern pacemakers tran*it data to a server.

原来被害人的起搏器 刚植入一年多 这是好事 因为现代起搏器会传输数据去伺服器

2. One of the aldermen has a pacemaker.


3. It's like a pacemaker for your brain.


4. Turns out our victim had a pacemaker.


5. Because I've known about the pacemaker all day.


6. I had my physical and I need a pacemaker.

我去看医生了 需要装个心脏起搏器

7. And they're putting a proper pacemaker in tomorrow.


8. What can we do? I call it the neural pacemaker.

我们能做什么 我把这叫做神经起搏器

9. There are strict rules to living with a pacemaker.

装了心脏起搏器 生活上需格外注意

10. Aye, starting with a pacemaker for her heart.

是的, 从给她安装心脏起搏器开始
