
doggy怎么读: 音标['dɔ^i]
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◎ doggy是什么意思

n. 小狗儿
a. 时髦的, 装阔气的

n informal terms for dogs


1. But why was it in a doggie wheelchair? I don't know.

但它为什么坐在小轮椅里 我不知道

2. Okay, it's because you have the doggy treats.

好了 那是因为你有狗狗零食

3. Doggy door. I found the laptop, too.

狗门 我还找到了笔记本

4. We know each other from doggy day care.


5. Then when they bark down in a cage like a doggie.


6. Okay, what we have here is a classic tale of doggy trouble.


7. Maybe a doggie cone isn't a bad idea.


8. With a big yard and a little doggy in the window.

有着大庭院 窗户里还能看到一只小狗

9. Max, you can't get pregnant doggie style.

麦克斯 用狗爬式不会怀孕啦[会的]

10. I only know the doggy paddle, and I don't know it well.

我只会狗刨式 还不是特别会
