
gaffer怎么读: 音标['gæfә]
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◎ gaffer是什么意思

n. 乡下老头, 老人, 领班, 照明工

n. an electrician responsible for lighting on a movie or tv set


1. The gaffer brought him in while I was undercover.


2. That way, I can find out what a gaffer is.


3. Stan, our gaffer, wanted him to rest up.

我们头儿 斯坦 要他好好休息

4. This sesh is all about you getting to know your new gaffer.


5. Still, my gaffer's asked me to rule out any connection.


6. I slept with the gaffer's wife and now he's not lighting me properly.

我把灯光师的老婆睡了 现在他都不好好给我打光了

7. Maneet, there's a couple of things the gaffer wants me to look into.

梅妮特 头儿让我查几样东西

8. All I mean is, next time let's get our ducks in a row before we talk to the gaffer.

我只是说 下次跟头儿汇报前 咱们先统一口径

9. He kept insisting on his right to represent himself, and the judge's response to that was to order the bailiffs to put gaffer tape over his mouth and tie him to his chair.

他坚持要为自己辩护 而法官的回应就是 令法警给他的嘴贴上工用胶布 并把他绑在椅子上
