
brighter怎么读: 音标[braitə]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ brighter是什么意思

a. 聪明的( bright的比较级 ); 光亮的; 辉煌的; 前途光明的

a emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts
s having striking color
s characterized by quickness and ease in learning
s having lots of light either natural or artificial
s made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow
s splendid
a not made dim or less bright
s clear and sharp and ringing
s characterized by happiness or gladness
s full or promise


1. Despite this drawl, I'm brighter than that.

虽然我说话慢 我也没那么笨

2. Tomorrow will be brighter because of you.


3. It's healthier, it's brighter, it's more fun.

年轻就更健康 更欢快 更开心

4. In the south, the future may be brighter.

在南部 未来要稍微光明一些

5. Fortunately, it never gets brighter than this.

幸运的是 不会比这更亮了

6. But one of them shines brighter than all the rest.


7. So they can imagine a brighter future.


8. Even brighter because you will be by my side.

而且有你在身边 我会更加出色

9. I need glasses and a brighter light.


10. Everything normal is bigger and brighter when I'm with you.

和你在一起时 平凡的小事都会变得更美好
