
technics怎么读: 音标['tekniks]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ technics是什么意思

n. 工艺学
[机] 手法, 技术, 术语

n. The doctrine of arts in general; such branches of
learning as respect the arts.


1. It technically, um, technically this is, uh, this is fusion.

严格来说 这是 这是融合餐厅

2. So you're only here on a technicality.

所以你们能进决赛 纯粹是技术原因

3. Well, technically technically, it's aa brain death.

严格来说 严格来说 是脑死亡

4. Well, technically, it controls the clouds, which technically aren't clouds at all.

確切地說 它能控制那些 嚴格來說根本不是云的云層

5. Well, technically, the, uh, pindrop pulsebomb I built you, but I built it, so, technically, me.

严格来讲是我给你造的微型脉冲炸弹 不过是我造的 所以严格来讲还是我

6. We are very lucky because every one of these people are respected members of the technical community, technical internet community, and that's what we were doing.

我们很幸运 因为这里的每个人 都是这个技术团体中受人尊敬的成员 互联网技术团体 这就是我们着手在做的

7. I know what you meant. I meant that the only one *art enough to technically get the better of us is technically us.

我懂你意思 我是说只有我们 才能让自己聪明反被聪明误

8. Then technically, I don't want you here.

那依法来说 我不需要你了

9. Yes, technically, you are here with me.

好吧 严格来说 有你陪着我

10. And then he was freed on a technicality.

