
uppercut怎么读: 音标['ʌpәkʌt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ uppercut是什么意思

n. 上钩拳
v. 用上钩拳击

n. a swinging blow directed upward (especially at an opponent's chin)


1. Uppercuts, uppercuts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

上勾拳 上勾拳 一二三四 二二三四

2. My persistence is stronger than your uppercut.


3. You got to turn him to your left and come up with the uppercut.

你得把他逼到你的左侧 然后用上钩拳

4. I told you to throw an uppercut, and you threw a hook.

我叫你打上钩拳 你却打右钩拳

5. So I give him a little uppercut, keep him on his feet.

于是我给了他一记上勾拳 帮他站稳

6. He's gonna slip that right hand, all right, and you're gonna catch him with the uppercut.

他会闪身出右拳 你就出上勾拳打他

7. He would throw a dummy right hand and immediately go into a southpaw position and then he would drive in a left hook or a left uppercut to the solar plexus.

他先用右手挥一个假动作 然后马上换成左架站位 接着一记左勾拳 或者左上勾拳攻击上腹部
