
fleshiness怎么读: 音标['fleʃinis]
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◎ fleshiness是什么意思

n. 肥胖, 多肉

n. more than average fatness


1. They have a coxcomb, which is fleshy.

公鸡有个鸡冠 肉乎乎的

2. Avocado is fleshy, so I wouldn't know.

牛油果是果肉 所以我不知道

3. Not fleshy enough for tongue, this is cartilage.

不像舌头有那么多的肉 这是一块软骨

4. No more than a fleshy contraption for squeezing out heirs.


5. Her pale fleshy abdomen is distended with eggs.

白蚁后腹部又白又肥 因为卵而膨大

6. I've seen him in the feeds, but in the flesh, he is so much more fleshy.

我在视信号里见过他 但见到真人 他壮实多了

7. Usually in cannibali*, it's the visceral organs and the fleshy parts being eaten.

通常在食人行为中 被吃掉的 会是脏器或多肉的部分

8. Sexting is one thing, but actual, physical, fleshy contact that's another thing.

发*短信是一回事 身体接触是另一回事
