
contoured怎么读: 音标['kɔntuәd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ contoured是什么意思

a. 波状外形的

v form the contours of


1. Call from the other side, contour sweep.

到对面后联系 靠边搜寻

2. Its touch to the skin, its contour on the body.

它与皮肤的接触 与身体的呈现的轮廓

3. Besides, I'm very attuned to the contours of the female form.

而且 我对女性身体的曲线十分熟悉

4. Well, I've captured the contours of the victim's skull.


5. You'll find its contours match our trauma wound.


6. I'm just trying to understand the full contours of the situation.

我只是试图理解 这个事情的整个轮廓而已

7. What you're looking at there is expert contouring and wellplaced chicken cutlets.

你看到的是专门挤出来的沟 以及位置恰到好处的胸垫

8. The contours of their faces differ, eyes and ears delicately worked.

他们的面部轮廓都不一样 眼睛和耳朵刻画精致

9. Just wistfully contour two fingers along the jawline.

就在距离下巴轮廓两指处 化一下

10. I need the contours of my face to be remembered accurately in the event that I'm assassinated.

万一我被暗杀了 我需要大家铭记 我的面目轮廓
