
err怎么读: 音标[ә:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ err是什么意思

vi. 犯错, 做错, 犯罪
[法] 弄错, 犯错误, 陈述

v. to make a mistake or be incorrect


1. Could be a bluff, but we should err on the side of caution.

可能只是虚张声势 但我们宁可谨慎也不能冒险

2. Err on the side of bringing them home.


3. I have to err on the side of the preservation of that life.

即使我错了 我也选择保全你的生命

4. to err is to be human; to forgive is to be divine.

凡夫俗子 孰能无过 心存宽恕 即为圣洁

5. Or else, that I'd err, receive an invitation to visit you.

至少 我会收到来看你的邀请

6. Aye, but don't err in judging the man's skills.

好吧 但别低估了他的本领

7. I could just err on the safe side and shoot you both.

我可以保险起见 把你们都打死

8. I'd like us to err on the side of professionali*.


9. I don't think so, but I like to err on the side of caution.

我看不必 但我觉得还是应该小心为上

10. I'm astounded that there's no like music here, err, whatever.

