
depersonalized怎么读: 音标[di:ˈpə:sənəˌlaizd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ depersonalized是什么意思

v. 使失去个性( depersonalize的过去式和过去分词 )

v make impersonal or present as an object


1. In reality it was another tool in the attempt to depersonalize the individual.

实际上它是另一种 试图将个体去个性化的工具

2. They've managed to depersonalize these kids as a way of rationalizing the body count.

他们将孩子看成无生命的东西 所以明目张胆地将他们分类

3. In all the crimes we've studied, there's never been an example of a victim being raped then depersonalized.

我们研究的所有案件里 没有一例受害者 既被*又被抹去人格

4. He's evolved from obliterating his victims with fire to wanting them to be identified while still depersonalizing them.

他的作案手法从用火抹去被害人特征 发展到抹去特征的同时 又希望被害人能被辨认

5. The crime scene photos indicate that she was facedown on the couch, so she was already depersonalized to him.

犯罪现场的照片显示 她是面部朝下趴在沙发上 所以她已经不被当做人来看待了
