
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ predominantly是什么意思

adv. 主要地, 显著地, 大多数地, 突出地

r. much greater in number or influence


1. The predominant theory is that it's tires.


2. But predominantly, biryanis are made with meat, or mutton.


3. Which is huge and predominately made up of millennials, which is our demographic.

非常之大 主要由千禧一代組成 正是我們的目標群體

4. See, sarcoids predominantly affect a specific demographic.


5. According to your own words, serial killers are predominantly male.

你自己的原话 连环杀手主要是男性

6. According to your own words, serial killers, predominantly male.

你自己的原话 连环杀手主要是男性

7. Psychopathic violence is predominantly goaloriented, a means to a very particular end.

心理*的暴力行为其目标非常明确 就是为了达到特定的结果

8. This is predominantly about 65% corn and malted wheat, malted barley.

主要成分是百分之六十五的玉米 还有小麦芽和大麦芽

9. Spores are typically found in soil, predominantly in desert locales.

孢子一般存在于土地中 主要分布在干燥区域

10. For those of us who are tired of having arrows shot at their predominantly mortal heads.

为我们这些受够了的 不想被弓箭爆头的活人
