
ingrain怎么读: 音标[in'grein]
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◎ ingrain是什么意思

vt. 给原纱染色, 使根深蒂固
a. 原纱染色的, 根深蒂固的
n. 原纱染色, 固有品质

v. thoroughly work in


1. But that behavior is ingrained in him.


2. It is upsetting to see how ingrained poverty is here.


3. Some things are just... too ingrained, I guess.

有些东西 太难根除了吧

4. It goes against everything that your beautiful parents tried to ingrain in you.

这有违你的好爸爸妈妈 想给你灌输的一切

5. I mean, one group is ingrained in the fabric of the community.


6. The periosteal surface on the phalanx doesn't have any ingrained particulates that I can recover.

指骨骨膜表面 没有什么我能提取的微粒了

7. And surprising scientific insights into just how deeply ingrained lying is into our behaviour.

以惊人的科学视角洞察到 撒谎在我们的行为中有多么根深蒂固

8. Beneath all this ornament, there is an ingrained sickness and we can no longer turn our backs.

在华丽表象之下有着根深蒂固的恶疾 我们不能再视而不见

9. You destroyed them because of the deeply ingrained hereditary human trait to protect one's own genes.

你能毁掉他们是因为 根深蒂固的保护自己基因的人类遗传特性

10. I have seen hundreds of people come here and change their lives, but they didn't have a deep, ingrained hatred in their hearts.

我是见过成百上千的人来这儿 改变了他们的生活 但他们心中并没有根深蒂固的仇恨
