
physicist怎么读: 音标['fizisist]
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◎ physicist是什么意思

n. 物理学家, 机械唯物论者, 自然科学家
[医] 菲西克氏手术(虹膜圆片切除)

n. a scientist trained in physics


1. Same reason as you. I'm a physicist.

跟你一样 我是个物理学家

2. We had no idea you were a physicist.


3. She's a neurobiologist, and I'm a theoretical physicist.

她是神经生物学家 我是理论物理学家

4. But, for some physicists, it's an inescapable reality.


5. I'm not that kind of a doctor. I'm a physicist.

我不是那种治病的医生 我是物理学家

6. But it is. I'mI'm going to be a physicist.

怎么不是 我会成为物理学家的

7. Look it up in the manifest. I'm a physicist.

在名单里查吧 我是个物理学家

8. I could be a real physicist like you.


9. You've been busy, and you're not a quantum physicist.

你一直没闲着 而且你不是量子物理学家

10. I'm a neuroscientist, not a nuclear physicist.

我是神经科学家 不是核物理学家
