
anyplace怎么读: 音标['enipleis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ anyplace是什么意思

adv. 在任何地方

r at or in or to any place; (`anyplace' is used informally for `anywhere')


1. I wanted to see you to tell you that if you ever want to find work anyplace, then you better get your act together, do things properly, and start showing some respect for a possible future employer, because based on this shit, you'd never get hired here, and I would never recommend you for any work, anyplace.

我想见你是想告诉你 如果你想找到工作 你最好表现好一点 做该做的事 作为一名未来的员工 表现出一点应有的尊重 因为就凭这张表 这里永远不会雇你 我也绝对不会为你做任何推荐

2. 'cause when this changes I don't have anyplace to be.

因为如果我们分了 我就无家可归了

3. Anyplace that isn't your home or your office.


4. We were never anyplace more than a night.


5. Fine. It's not as if we have anyplace to put them.

好 我们其实也没有地方安顿他们

6. Not that we had anyplace worthwhile to drive to.


7. She could have driven from almost anyplace in town.


8. I can go anyplace in her life with these.

有了这些 我可以去她生命中的任何地方

9. That means anyplace they could be hiding something.


10. Need them from anyplace he might have been the last few days.

