
racetrack怎么读: 音标['reistræk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ racetrack是什么意思

n. 跑道

n. a course over which races are run


1. Because we're here to prove that this is a racetrack.


2. This racetrack's been shut down for months.


3. So I‐I agreed to meet him, but only if we did it at the racetrack.

所以我同意见他 条件是见面地点必须在赛马场

4. Now, somewhere in there is a racetrack.

我跟大家说 在那一片里 藏着一条赛道

5. Then the racetrack opened a poker club.


6. For years I was just a racetrack guy.

之前很多年 我只赌赛马

7. That is the worst racetrack I've ever been round.

这是我有生以来 开过的最烂的赛道

8. So you drove a city vehicle to the racetrack.


9. Or she's going to a place where there are horses, like a racetrack.

或者她要去一个有马的地方 比方说赛马场

10. Velocitron is the only planet covered entirely in racetracks and superhighways.

只有极速星 布满了赛道和超高速公路
