
irony怎么读: 音标['aiәrәni]
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◎ irony是什么意思

n. 反语, 讽刺, 具有讽刺意味的事

n. incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs
n. a trope that involves incongruity between what is expected and what occurs


1. Well, I'm sorry their irony is ruining your irony.


2. And irony of ironies, because of some prisoners' rights lawsuit way back when, there are no cameras in cells.

讽刺的是 因为很久以前的什么罪犯*诉讼 所以牢房内都没有监控

3. And no, the irony is not lost on me.

对 我知道我没坚持生气挺能证明你的观点

4. No. It is not worth pointing out the irony.

不 我觉得你不应该说出来

5. Still, you have to appreciate the irony.

不过 你还是得理解这么讽刺的情况

6. I suspect there's irony at play there.


7. That's what they call it the irony of life.

所以他们管这叫 人生的讽刺

8. I can't be the only one who sees the irony here.


9. I am aware of the irony of this situation.


10. And here I was thinking that irony was dead.

