
reformation怎么读: 音标[.refә'meiʃәn]
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◎ reformation是什么意思

n. 改革, 改正, 重新形成, 重新组成

n. improvement (or an intended improvement) in the existing form or condition of institutions or practices etc.; intended to make a striking change for the better in social or political or religious affairs
n. a religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches


1. Considered a massive threat because he was a reformer, from a region terrified of reform.

他是个改革者 因此他被害怕改革的地区视为巨大的威胁

2. In the old days, you know before progressive reforms, and liberal reforms, and everything else, it was always a secret.

在旧社会 就是在 进步改革 自由改革等事件发生之前 这始终是个秘密

3. We are not jailers, we are not reformers.

我们不是狱卒 也不是改革家

4. when you were at reform school? I didn't.

迈克尔·斯莱特你杀人了 我没说

5. And do what with it? Insist on reform.

他们能怎么办 坚持主张改革

6. Like you did with your reform proposals.


7. I don't intend to correct him or to reform him.

我并不想糾正他 或是改造他

8. They reform as soon as you cut them.

砍断它们 它们还会重组

9. They speak not of reform... but of destruction.

他们说的不是改革 而是毁灭

10. It was more of a structural reformation environment.

