
denial怎么读: 音标[di'naiәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ denial是什么意思

n. 否认
[法] 否定, 否认, 拒绝接受

n. the act of refusing to comply (as with a request)
n. the act of asserting that something alleged is not true
n. (psychiatry) a defense mechanism that denies painful thoughts


1. Maybe you're in denial that I asked you, just like you're in denial about the baby.

也许你不接受我的求婚 就像不接受孩子一样

2. No, that is the denial of an activity.

不 这只是拒绝一种行为

3. I'm not I'm not embarrassed about it, but I've been in denial about it.

沒 沒什么難以啟齒的 但我內心一直是拒絕的

4. It would be if I wasn't in complete denial.


5. She's swimming in denial about what she said and what she did.


6. Yeah, and you are in extreme denial.

是啊 你在极力拒绝承认事实

7. But I'm a little tired of your denials.


8. Look, I'm not in denial, if that's what you're saying.

我没有否认 如果你是这个意思的话

9. No, no, because that is denial of a class of people.

不 不 因为那就是拒绝一个阶级了

10. I've been in denial about how strong my feelings are for her.

