
hare怎么读: 音标[hєә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ hare是什么意思

n. 野兔
vi. 飞跑

n. swift timid long-eared mammal larger than a rabbit having a divided upper lip and long hind legs; young born furred and with open eyes
v. run quickly, like a hare


1. You're the hare in this *ogy? It's your *ogy.

那你是兔子咯 我可没这么说

2. I'm reminded of the tale of the tortoise and the hare.


3. 130 years and a hare has never survived.

130年了 野兔从来没有幸存过

4. He just can't serve a salad without a hare in it.


5. Beneath a confident rider, he is as quiet as a lamb and as fast as a hare.

在经验老到的骑手胯下 它静若处子动若脱兔

6. Yeah, except the hare only lost cos he was a lazy mother*er.

只是兔子输了 因为它是个大懒虫

7. I tried to convince myself that I was winning, but I guess this is like the tortoise and the hare.

我想說服自己我才是贏家 也許這就像龜兔賽跑一樣

8. 533 hares, 34 badgers and 21 wild cats to their deaths.

533只野兔 34只獾 和21只野猫

9. Hares are associated with witchcraft and trickery in almost every culture in the world.

在世界上的几乎所有文化里 野兔都与巫术和骗术有关

10. Now, you go alone, you got about a hare's chance in a fox grove.

你现在孤身一人 你就像是被狐狸包围的兔子
