
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ trumpeted是什么意思

vt. 大声说出或宣告(trumpet的过去式与过去分词形式)

v proclaim on, or as if on, a trumpet
v play or blow on the trumpet
v utter in trumpet-like sounds


1. I don't want to blow my own trumpet, but I really can blow my own trumpet.

我不想自吹自擂 但我真的会吹小号

2. ...the last trumpet, for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised, imperishable, and we will all be changed.

就在最后的号角响起之时 号角将会吹响 死者将会复活 成为不朽的存在 我们都将被改变

3. I could announce my arrival with trumpets.


4. The trumpet has signaled the starting of war.

号角声预示着 战争的降临

5. We got about an hour before he's back from trumpet.

距离他上完小号课回来 我们有一小时

6. The seal's been broken, the trumpet blown.

封印已被破除 号角已经吹响

7. trumpet the value of relationships over money.


8. The morning trumpets will be talked about.


9. I'm sorry I played the trumpet in your face.


10. at the last trumpet, and we will be changed.

就在最后的号角响起之时 我们都将被改变
