
transference怎么读: 音标[træns'fә:rәns]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ transference是什么意思

n. 转移, 调动, 转让
[医] 转移; 情感转移

n. (psychoanalysis) the process whereby emotions are passed on or displaced from one person to another; during psychoanalysis the displacement of feelings toward others (usually the parents) is onto the analyst


1. This transfer, contact transfer stain, was absolutely consistent.

血迹的动线 接触转移污染 是完全符合的

2. I transfer my funds, she transfers hers, and then I suck the money out of the account.

我转入我的资金 她转入她的 然后我再把钱都取出来

3. She won't transfer if it comes from me.

如果是我要求 她不会同意调离的

4. And when it's ready, I'll transfer in.

等准备好了 我就会转过去

5. After the stroke, we transferred it all to me.

他中风之后 所有的财产都转到了我名下

6. And if they didn't transfer you, you wouldn't have met me.

而且他们要是不把你调过来 你也遇不到我

7. I'm transferring everything I own to you.


8. And that is why I am transferring you out of 51.

所以我把你从51局 调出去了

9. I broke up with him and transferred out of there.

后来就分手了 调离了那里

10. You are not transferring these patients. I am.

你不能转移这些病人 我要转移
