
unfitness怎么读: 音标[ʌn'fɪtnəs]
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◎ unfitness是什么意思

n. 不适当, 不胜任

n. poor physical condition; being out of shape or out of condition (as from a life of ease and luxury)
n. the quality of not being suitable


1. What he is is unfit for office, unfit to run, even.

他这种人就不适合当官 也不适合竞选

2. Because on paper, all of you are unfit.

因为理论上来说 你们都不够格

3. All I need to do is prove him unfit.


4. Henrietta, you're unfit to be a parent.

亨丽埃塔 你不适合为人父母

5. Any suggestion that she's unfit is a lie.


6. And you'd be seen as an unfit mother.


7. That woman in there, she's unfit to be a mother.

那家的女人 不配做母亲

8. No. I'm saying you're unfit to be parents.

不是 我是说你们不适合做父母

9. Because of her past, the doctors deemed her unfit.

因为她的过去 医生认为她精神状况不佳

10. Especially when his mom is an unfit parent.

