
synthesiser怎么读: 音标['sɪnθɪsaɪz]
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◎ synthesiser是什么意思

vt., vi. [英国英语] = synthesize

n an intellectual who synthesizes or uses synthetic methods
n (music) an electronic instrument (usually played with a keyboard) that generates and modifies sounds electronically and can imitate a variety of other musical instruments


1. Well, I think punks hated synthesisers generally, from a, kind of, ideological point of view, because if you looked at the uses of synthesisers in those days, it was in prog rock bands to play very fast, pseudoclassical riffs.

我想大部分朋克都讨厌音响合成器 从某种意识形态上来说吧 因为如果你看看那时候玩音响合成器的方法 都是前卫摇滚乐队故意弹得很快 一种伪经典的即兴表演

2. When we first started this, people said that we wouldn't be able to synthesise the polymer.

我们最初开始时 人们都说我们不可能合成这样的聚合物

3. 雨衣合唱团 you'll find synthesiser music, guitar music, women, men, mixed.

吉娜·波奇与安娜妲·希尔薇 其中有合成音乐 吉他 女声 男声 混音

4. You know, to me, the synthesiser felt like a punk instrument, because it was much easier to play than a guitar, and you just had to twiddle a few knobs, play one note.

对我来说 音响合成器是很朋克的乐器 因为它比吉他好弹多了 你只需要摆弄几个钮 弹个音符

5. You're very, very casual about this but we've gone from a squid in a restaurant that can change colour, even though it was dead, to getting that synthesised in a cell factory via the internet, onto a plate that can change colour when I breathe on it.

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