
landowner怎么读: 音标['lændәunә]
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◎ landowner是什么意思

n. 地主
[法] 土地所有人, 地主

n. a holder or proprietor of land


1. That is what it is to be an ancestral landowner.


2. That's my right, you see, as a landowner.

这是我的权利 作为地主

3. There is another way to become a landowner.


4. Apparently, he did it as a warning to other local landowners.

显然 他是为了警示当地其他地主

5. landowner and us the people who work on the land.

地主 我们就像是他地里干活的

6. When the pirates are gone, the landowners will drive commerce here.

等海盗消失之后 这里的地主会继续经商

7. I have 30odd tenants who may vote, but I, the landowner, may not.

我有三十多个佃户 他们都能投票 但我作为地主不能

8. As foremost landowner in the district, nothing will pass without him.

作为区内最大的地主 没有他的支持是别想成事的

9. The landowners can repurchase their confiscated lands at the prices written down.

土地的拥有者可以根据既定价格 把他们的地产再买回去

10. I'm gonna do a rundown on all single landowners in the area, see where the bodies are buried.

我要给这个地区内的所有单身户主列个清单 看看那些尸体会埋在哪里
