
supremacy怎么读: 音标[sju'premәsi]
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◎ supremacy是什么意思

n. 至高无上, 霸权地位, 优势, 至上
[法] 至高权力, 无上权力, 霸权

n power to dominate or defeat


1. All you have to do is declare my supremacy and I'll stop.

你只要认输求饶 我就停了

2. Soon enough they must fight for supremacy.


3. And the only thing you're really protecting is the supremacy of your government.

你唯一在维护的 就是自己国家政府的霸权

4. Now, these weapons will help me reestablish supremacy.

这些武器 能帮我恢复往日的地位

5. Long ago, noble warriors challenged each other for supremacy.

很久以前 伟大的勇士们 会为了霸权挑战彼此

6. II might be easy, but I draw the line at white supremacy.

虽然我很随性 但是我可不喜欢白人至上

7. This is when the matador uses his puntilla to slay the animal in a final demonstration of supremacy.

这时斗牛士用旁提刀杀死牛 作为其统治权的最终展示

8. Above our heads is a battleground, a constant struggle for supremacy between different types of air.

我们的头上是一个对抗区 不同气团一直在相互碰撞争夺主权

9. Neighbourhood supremacy is decided by a threelap race of just 75 seconds.

冠军城区是由短短七十五秒的 三圈比赛决出
