
comprise怎么读: 音标[kәm'praiz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ comprise是什么意思

vt. 包含, 构成

v be composed of
v include or contain; have as a component
v form or compose


1. But they do comprise a linked investigative series.


2. Our gamblers comprise some of the wealthiest people on the planet.

我们的赌徒里 包含了这世界上 最有钱的几个人

3. The bio weapon is comprised of two components.


4. They seem to comprise the core of their nervous system.


5. The oils on your skin will comprise the integrity.


6. The south stairway's comprised from the eighth floor down.


7. Yes, but his book, comprised only a mere handful of words.

是的 但他的书只包含了一小部分文字

8. We've learned that the bio weapon is actually comprised of two components.

我们发现那个生物武器 其实是由两种成分组成

9. The chest is comprised of the hyoid, the clavicle, sternum, andand the ribs.

胸部是由舌骨 锁骨 腹板和肋骨组成的

10. A letter comprised of very direct questions about her life and her father's death.

信中毫不掩饰地写了 我对她的生活和她父亲之死的种种疑问
