
contextualize怎么读: 音标[kɔn'tekstjjәlaiz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ contextualize是什么意思

vt.将(音素、单词等)置于上下文中研究, ( 通过介绍来龙去脉) 使( 事件、 活动等) 溶入背景


1. I mean, it's all contextual, and I do.

这都有前后联系 我也知道

2. So that we can contextualize the materials we found.


3. It's so contextual, but at the same time, wholly independent.

你的作品是紧密联系的 却同时也相互独立

4. A story of hardship would help contextualize a flagging academic record.

艰难的故事也能给较差的 成绩一个解释

5. It's how you're choosing to contextualize it that makes it appear beyond a reasonable doubt.

关键在于你选择的解读方式 使这些证据能排除合理怀疑

6. And I need to look at the whole thing so that I can... contextualize the forget it, you're never gonna understand.

我得看着整本书 才能...联系上下文... 算了 你永远也不会懂
