
blind怎么读: 音标[blaind]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ blind是什么意思

n. 蒙蔽物, 窗帘
a. 盲目的, 瞎的, 不加思考的
vt. 使失明, 蒙蔽, 遮暗
adv. 盲目地

n. people who have severe visual impairments, considered as a group
n. a hiding place sometimes used by hunters (especially duck hunters)
n. a protective covering that keeps things out or hinders sight
v. render unable to see


1. That's what you get when the blind lead the blind.


2. You're not just blind, you are willfully blind.

你不止眼睛看不见 连心也瞎了

3. They can't rob you blind if you ain't blind.


4. When I got diagnosed, my mom, she forced me to hang out with this blind dude from another school who was already blind you know, he was, like, born blind.

当我确诊的时候 我妈*着我和 其他学校的一个已经 眼盲的男孩认识 他是先天性的

5. Blind leading the blind is already an expression.


6. This is an unfortunate case of the blind leading the blind.

很不幸 我一无所知就要指导你

7. Long enough to know that it's the blind leading the blind over there.

久到已经知道 那是个外行领导外行的地方

8. I thought I was blind without my glasses, but I was just blind.

我以为我不戴眼镜才看不见 但我是视而不见

9. Large blind is 100, and the *all blind's 50.

大盲注100 小盲注50

10. I blind camera three. I blind camera four.

我遮住三号摄像头 我遮住四号摄像头
