
brokerage怎么读: 音标['brәukәridʒ]
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◎ brokerage是什么意思

n. 经纪人, 回扣, 佣金, 中间人业务
[经] 经纪业, 佣金, 手续费

n. a stock broker's business; charges a fee to act as intermediary between buyer and seller
n. the business of a broker; charges a fee to arrange a contract between two parties


1. You think I'm out there running a bullion brokerage? I am not.

你以为我是黄金交易商吗 我不是

2. I've worked at a brokerage house in the city.


3. They just fired their current brokerage firm.


4. I remember when I got my first brokerage account.


5. Feel free to check the balance on my brokerage account.


6. I wasn't too proud to take a job as a runner at a brokerage house.

我没有太在意自己的自尊 接受了在经纪公司跑腿的工作

7. The problem is, I'm not 18, which means I can't open a brokerage account on my own.

问题是我没到18岁 我不能自己开交易账号

8. but I can get you guys in using a brokerage pocket account.

但我可以让你们这些家伙 用经纪商账户

9. A dozen brokerage accounts, ranging from $40,000 to $300,000.

他有十几个经济账户 内有存款四万到三十万不等

10. After she released the report ruling the death accidental, she received a $1.9 million transfer into a brokerage account in her name.

等到她出具报告证明是意外死亡之后 她收到了打入其经纪人账户的 190万美元
