
riparian怎么读: 音标[ri'pєәriәn]
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◎ riparian是什么意思

a. 河岸的, 生于河岸的
n. 河岸土地所有人

a. of or relating to or located on the banks of a river or stream


1. The alluvial hops really bring out the riparian bitterness.


2. Riparian rights are the laws that say who owns the land under a body of water.

河岸权是定夺 水下土地归属权的法律

3. Well, they got an assist from a little thing called riparian rights.


4. Air, the waters, streams, riparian lands, men who would harm me in the realm of the dead and the living, those who would order harm done to me upon earth.

支配空气 水域 溪流 河岸的土地 支配会伤害我的人 无论在死人还是活人的国度里 支配那些会在世上对我造成伤害的人
