
tourism怎么读: 音标['tuәrizm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ tourism是什么意思

n. 观光业, 游览
[经] 旅游业

n. the business of providing services to tourists


1. That's the touri* part of maternity touri* that's legit.

那就是生育旅游的旅游部分 是合法的

2. Gloria's sale of thousands of crime guns undermines touri*, and our client has a touri* business that is suffering.

格洛丽亚售出的*影响了旅游业的发展 我们委托人的旅游产业受到了损害

3. what it was like before the touri* boom.


4. When this gets out, it's gonna kill touri*.

这事传出去 旅游业会遭到重创

5. representing our associates in touri* and leisure activities.

代表了我们 观光休闲活动事业的联盟

6. So you ladies are like the board of touri* in bikinis.


7. It's basically promising there's going to be a touri* boom here.


8. When I graduated, I just fell into leisure and touri*.

我毕业后 就进入了休闲旅*业

9. Okay, well, it was more the linguistic touri* that I objected to.

好吧 我拒绝更多是 因为语言方面的原因

10. These are *all business owners who rely on our touri*.

这些都是依靠于我们的旅游业的 小型企业业主
