
tuber怎么读: 音标['tju:bә]
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◎ tuber是什么意思

n. 块茎, 突起, 结节
[医] 结节; 块茎(植物)

n. a fleshy underground stem or root serving for reproductive and food storage
n. type genus of the Tuberaceae: fungi whose fruiting bodies are typically truffles


1. Tuber, yeah, tuber. It is indigenous to the planet.

是的 Tuber 一种土生土长的植物

2. I don't know what "tuberous canopy" means.


3. Then the takahe is reduced to digging for tubers in the freezing earth.


4. The * need not munching jaws but a tuber tunnel.

成虫不需要咀嚼用的颚 而是喙管

5. When tubers are uprooted, the whole plant dies, along with countless microorgani*s.

因为当它们被连根拔起时 整株植物 便和数不清的微生物一同死去了
