
refreshingly怎么读: 音标[rɪ'freʃɪŋlɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ refreshingly是什么意思

adv. 清爽地, 有精神地

r. in a manner that relieves fatigue and restores vitality
r. in a pleasantly novel manner


1. I keep refreshing and refreshing to see if they put up the new video yet, but they keep not putting it up, and it's very frustrating.

我一直在刷新 想看看他们有没有把新视频放上来 但就是没有 太烦人了

2. It would be refreshing to be honest about it all.

您开门见山 我也就不绕弯了

3. This isn't a refresher. It's for the probie.

这不是让你们复习 是为了菜鸟

4. Good job. I am so doing refreshments.

干得漂亮 我要負責茶點飲料

5. God, your modesty, it's it's so refreshing.

天哪 你总是这么谦虚啊

6. and I think we deserve some refreshments.

我们应该喝上一杯 犒劳下自己

7. I've got some refreshments, if you'd like.

如果你喜欢 我还准备了些点心

8. A bit of refreshments for the laborers.


9. We have the chart here to refresh your memory.


10. Here's a copy to refresh your memory.

给你再看看 省得你忘了
